Monday, January 30, 2017

Geishas (Blog #4)

I was looking for some action films to watch on Netflix and I kept going back to Asian films that included martial arts, samurais, and geishas. I was fascinated by the beauty of the way geishas dressed and did their hair with beautiful flowers and charms to adorn their hair. So, I wondered, what is a geisha exactly?

A geisha is a professional woman entertainer trained in Japanese arts, dance, music, and games. They are present at meals to entertain guests and to "lighten" the mood. In Japan, geishas are referred to as geikos. They are most prominently found in Kyoto, Japan. Woman as young as 15 (maikos) are trained and taught in various subjects and activities. Geishas live together in houses specifically for them called okiya. Geishas are often thought about as prostitutes but this is not necessarily the case. Unfortunately, they are thought of as prostitutes because actual prostitutes call themselves geishas to gain more business. Geishas are talented and intelligent women. Geishas still exist today in Japan for a high price. 

Here are a few links to refer to if you are interested:

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